While I was working for USDAN, my favorite place to sit down every morning was Tim Horton right by the entrance of Air Train at JFK. Well, I am so glad that I did not have to commute by airplane, but I liked to feel nostalgia about last time when I flew out of New York City by looking over travelers. To me observing everyone’s expressions was very interesting. Some were excited tourists from France, some were returning business trippers, and some were morning commuters of Long Island Railroad just like me.
Thus, I always had the first sip of coffee at this sanctuary and one day, I realized that there was a huge wall “paper” of the piano keys right by the escalator. I laughed at myself for not noticing it for a while, feeling like being one of the busy commuters in NYC.
Now I miss greeting that wall piano, thinking when would ever be the next time to pass it by.